Step 1 - Sowing
When to Sow: You can sow carrots any time from March to August, but they grow better if you wait until April when the weather’s warmer.
Where to Sow: Carrots don’t like to be moved once sown so you can sow them directly into the soil or a deep container. Place them in an open, sunny space for best results.
How to Sow: Apply a general-purpose organic fertiliser about two weeks before sowing. Make a little drill 2cm deep and sow the seeds in it. Cover back over with soil. If you’ve more than one row, keep them 20cm apart. Carrots are slow to germinate so don’t be alarmed if nothing seems to be happening! It could take 2-3 weeks.
Sowing Tip: Keep the seedbed or container moist to encourage germination.